IFSO European Chapter Symposium

 II Mediterranean Obesity surgery Summit and the Bariatric and Metabolic Live Surgery Symposium

Napoli, 11-13 maggio 2017


Symposium President: Prof. Luigi Angrisani



Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
next spring, for the first time in conjunction with the IFSO European Chapter, I will host, in Naples, the 2nd Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Summit (MOSS) combined, as a tradition, with the Bariatric and Metabolic Live Surgery Symposium, on May 11–13, 2017. As usual, at the University Hospital “Federico II”, leading surgeons from all over the world will perform the most advanced laparoscopic techniques for primary and revision operations, but, this year, we also want to give you the chance to present your studies and share your views with colleagues from all over the world. The venue is exiting, the topics are terrific and a massive amount of knowledge and new information will be spreading.
Join us in Naples!

Luigi Angrisani 
President of the IFSO-EC Symposium



As current president of the IFSO-EC, it is my privilege to announce and invite you to the first IFSO European Chapter Symposium, which will be held together with the 2nd Meditarranean Obesity surgery summit and the Bariatric and Metabolic Live Surgery symposium in Naples, May 11–13, 2017 under the Presidency of Prof Luigi Angrisani.

During the past decades, European specialists, both surgeons and non-surgeons, have played a major role in the development of one of the leading field in modern surgery, bariatric and metabolic surgery. Nowadays, the IFSO-EC is the largest chapter of the IFSO in regards of the number of adhrering countries. For these reasons, but also and mainly to provide our members with a yearly platform within Europe and the Chapter to present their results and exchange views with colleagues, IFSO-EC has decided to hold a symposium each year when the biannual IFSO-EC congress does not take place, the next one being scheduled in May 2018.

It is therefore an honor for me to welcome you to this first IFSO-EC symposium in Naples, and to encourage everyone active in the bariatric/metabolic field to attend and actively participate and present their latest results and views. The program committee is currently working in order to put forward an interesting and varied program, which will include live surgery, debates, oral and poster presentations, integrated health sessions, a world IFSO symposium, and possibly sub-specialty symposia.

Naples is a magnificient city and the Naples bay with the Vesuvio and the facing Island of Capri are renown worldwide for their beauty. Italian cuisine does not need introduction, and I am sure every attendee will enjoy both the scientific level of the symposium as well as the Italian lifestyle in May 2017.

Michel Suter
President, IFSO European Chapter



  • Metabolic mechanisms of surgeries, gut microbioma and bile acids
  • Safety and training in bariatric and metabolic surgery
  • Metabolic surgery and NASH
  • Surgical options in treatment of T2DM
  • Long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of T2DM
  • Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass
  • Sadi’s, Gastric plication
  • Innovative robotic procedures
  • Endoluminal and experimental procedures
  • Integrated health session
  • Revisional surgeries
  • Management of weight re-gain and co-morbidities development
  • Multidisciplinary approach
  • Class 1 Obesity without comorbidities – is there a place for weight loss surgery?


Organising Secretariat
GUARANT International spol. s.r.o.
Na Pankráci 17, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 284 001 444 – ifso-ec2017@guarant.cz


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